Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Belief

Believing that we could achieve a WORLD that works for EVERYONE with NO ONE left behind, I feel that sharing my experience through...."As I was passing" may contribute towards achieving it.
From today I will be sharing my experience as it relate to either conceptual thoughts being introduced or issues arising with the sincere hope that it would contribute to better understanding by people irrespective of color or creed, level of education or how old (or young)they are.
I look forward to writing regularly.


  1. Congratulations! Looking forward to reading more.
    My two bits worth ... Can we live in world that:

    Allows us to love our own, without hating others,
    To give to our own, without taking from others,
    To care for our own, without forsaking others ...

  2. Insya Allah we can....by living our life as a giver, sharing, loving and caring. If we include all human instead of being divisive....we will.
